Download batman judge dredd collection
Download batman judge dredd collection

Glenn Fabry€™s art definitely looks the most colourful and polished out of all the stories but it€™s also just ridiculous. Joker wants to live forever so jumps dimensions with that belt, talks Judge Death into making him the fifth judge, and the five of them wreak havoc in a biodome devoted to hedonism - with Dredd and Batman on their tail.

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I was looking forward to €œDie Laughing€ the most as who doesn€™t enjoy a good Joker story? Unfortunately this is easily the worst of the anthology and also the longest. As a Batman fan, it€™s interesting to see how he fared against ridiculously over-equipped hunters, especially as he still follows his no killing, no guns rule in a setting filled with contestants with no such hang-ups. It€™s fantastical and silly as we see Batman and Dredd take on bizarre characters in some kind of castle. Batman and Dredd get transported to an alternate dimension via more hi-tech gadgetry, this time in the hands of the Riddler, and are forced to compete in a battle royale to the death with numerous other toughs from alternate dimensions. The story does a decent bait and switch in the final third though and Cam Kennedy€™s art is easier on the eye than Bisley€™s - light! €œUltimate Riddle€ is my favourite of the collection maybe because it€™s the most out there. €œVendetta in Gotham€ sees Dredd visiting Gotham ostensibly it seems to have a re-match with Batman and the two have an elaborate fight sequence similar to Family Guy€™s Peter and the Chicken fights.

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Also he draws Anderson as a muscle chick which makes her look kinda gross when you see her in her skivvies. Simon Bisley€™s art might put you off - his figures can look ridiculously cartoony and exaggerated. It€™s not an amazing story but it€™s more or less serviceable set-up as a vehicle for the two characters to show off their own strengths while kind of working as a team. The two tango before Dredd finally gets that Batman is a good guy and then they set off to stop Death and Mean Machine. Batman stops him (of course) and afterwards touches the belt thus transporting him to Dredd€™s stomping ground.

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But how do these two disparate characters cross paths? Well, in the first story, €œJudgment on Gotham€, Judge Death gets his claws on a transdimensional belt, allowing him to jump dimensions from Mega City One to judge the living in Gotham. €œThe Batman/Judge Dredd Collection€ features all 4 crossover stories and, bizarrely, 1 crossover story featuring Dredd and Lobo. Holy Drokk, Batman! A crossover between the bat vigilante and the fascistic future policeman? Unfortunately it€™s not as good as it sounds and somehow John Wagner managed to get four books out of this unlikely team-up.

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